Bucket List

Well friends, I can check "Cry in the church hallway at home school co-op" off of my bucket list. Lest you think that I was alone, let me paint the picture for you...

It happened during the transition to Devotions, outside of the sanctuary, when seventy-ish families were bustling around going hither and yon. And it wasn't like, a few fat tears. I sobbed my guts out. The worst part was that my oldest daughter saw it all. Don't worry though... I'm fine, it's all fine, it's really just THE STORY OF MY LIFE. Here are a few other places where I've cried in  public..

1. Dave Read's birthday party (4th grade)
2. Spanish class (High school)
3. Astronomy class (High school)
4. In my future in-law's kitchen (after Sunday lunch, in front of everyone)
5. Once every four years I taught (in front of my principal, every time)
6. Home school co-op (Monday)

Comment below if you've seen me at other places crying. I'm sure there's more winkyface


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