Last Week

Last week I drove the little people all over the western hemisphere (or 45 minutes one way) taking Caris to Vacation Bible School. Since we'll be on vacation during Pops and Gigi's VBS, I picked a church that she had visited once before and one that would have gospel teaching. She was excited all week- she woke up on her own between 6-6:30am, ate a quick breakfast, was dressed and asking "Is it time to go??" every single morning.  I'm glad she has this brave, adventurous spirit (that she clearly didn't get from me). While Caris was away, Liza got the chance to boss Audrey and me around- she picked the games and was first to choose which color/princess/etc she was.  She attended Gigi Camp one morning which included grocery shopping with a child size shopping cart, doing crafts and swimming. Not to be outdone, Audrey chose last week to debut two new tricks- pulling up on furniture and climbing stairs!


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