3 Thoughts {on Housekeeping}

1. I'm all or nothing

My garage is either super organized or there's fifty unlabeled boxes and a grungy up-and-coming rock band living in there. My van(!) is either empty or there's three large items to be donated, seventeen Wednesday night church crafts and that long lost hair brush hiding in there. I'm either eating hardboiled eggs and oatmeal all day every day or I'm shoving tater tots down my throat before my kids eat lunch. I'm either not opening my computer all day or I'm staring zombie-like at the screen for three hours every night. ALL OR NOTHING {grimace face & muscle flex}

2. It's easier to keep up than to catch up

Love it. Not rocket science, but good to remember when it comes to dishes, laundry and discipline (ha). Taken from Gretchen's Better than Before.

3. A cleaning routine

I'm slowly (like, 12 years emancipated adult slowly) learning what cleaning routine works for me. I have My Blogger to thank for some of that (check out her podcast!) Turns out I don't like having specific days to clean rooms because once I say to myself, "It's Friday. Clean the bathrooms" I turn into a moody thirteen year old and I'm all, YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME and I will do any chore that day except clean the bathrooms. In my immediate genetic pool there are strong willed rebellious people so I'd like to pass some of the blame. winkyface. Knowing this about myself, I have a list of cleaning to-do's for the week (but not written down!) and I can knock them out whenever I please. One a day, all in one day, whatever I you can't tell me what to do.
sick baby this week. all housework put on hold until further notice 


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