Dear Caris,

The day finally came! March 11th, the long awaited birthday. We celebrated with a cat themed birthday party(complete with watching the Aristocats that night), strawberry cake and having some of mommy's side of the family over for lunch after church.

At five you are beautiful, smart and sensitive. You love to talk! You also love to follow (and enforce) the rules. You enjoy swinging and playing outside, sometimes in your own little world. New interests include throwing the frisbee with us and playing dodge ball with daddy. That game makes you laugh and laugh. We have dabbled in having you read aloud and you're catching on quickly. The book we read the most is Go Dog Go. You also explain numbers/addition/problem solving to us and I know you'll pass me in math in a few short years. You are a wonderful big sister and right now, having you hold baby Audrey in the tub while I wash her has been so helpful!

We love to see you learn and grow through your Wednesday night class at Pops and Gigi's church. Keep asking good questions ("WHY did God let Satan into the garden??") so that we can talk together and point each other to Jesus. He has softened your heart through the years and I'm so thankful for that.

We love you so much, Caris, our big five year old!!



  1. Can't believe Caris is 5! She'll be driving soon.She's adorable.
    Happy Birthday! Thanks for sharing this milestone.

  2. So big! She is precious. I love her question. :) Happy late bday sweet girl!


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