Scripture & Song {January/February}

I didn't pick a word for 2018 (If I did, it might've been "HALP") and my only two official goals contradict themselves-- bake bread and lose the baby weight. 

I did, however, steal borrow a family goal from Keith and Kristyn. They pick a hymn every month and memorize it with their girls. I bet they memorize the entire thing because they're Irish, musical and awesome, but for us...we're aiming for the first verse. Kent's a decent singer and I am not. I sing so quietly and badly that I'm waiting for the day when Caris says, "Wait. Is mommy lip-synching??

In the past five years of parenting we have STUNK all caps for emphasis at family goals. Tidying up the house, manners, bible reading BUT NO MORE. {Fist pump in the air} This plan is simple... at the end of dinner when you want to curl up in your closet or light your hair on fire, you take a deep breath and announce that it's time to do the song and bible verse. It's quick, it's simple, it makes you explain hard words to your kids like "vast" and the joy of hearing your daughter quietly sing, " make a wretch his treasure" during rest time really is wonderful. 

Tedd Tripp says we should speak the bible to our children because God promises that his word won't return void. Ours might, but His won't. BOOM. BAM. POW. Light bulb moment for me. 

Scripture: John 3:16
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life" (Turns out Caris already knew this from church so technically we cheated)

Song: What Can Wash Away Our Sins

Scripture: Ephesians 4:32
"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."

Song: How Deep the Father's Love for Us

Other resources we use. Occasionally. When they're within arms reach.


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