Some Details

Here are some deets, based on FAQ we get.

We hope to stay in our house until September 1. Our former church has graciously given us a severance package that will enable this to happen. The main reason for staying is my beloved, old, wise, Puerto Rican doctor. He set me up to have my dream delivery in 2015 (although he didn't actually deliver Liza) and I'm hoping to have a similar experience this time.

People are cute when they ask "Are you moving back to South Carolina?!" because Kent is ordained and looking in a certain denomination as well as looking for a specific position (assistant pastor) so it's not quite as easy as pinpointing a state and finding a job there. Although we'd love to be closer to family, we're casting a wide net throughout the South East. Having a husband that enjoys his job is more important to me than being near family. WHO AM I?? I never would've said that 3 1/2 years ago (and actually meant it). 

My kids are running into boxes around the house so we finally told Caris that "Daddy doesn't work at our old church anymore. He is going to look for a new job and we'll move eventually. In a long time. Like after the baby comes." We don't really talk about it, because a four year old's sense of time is frustrating limited,  but I do plan to pray with them for a new job in hopes of one day saying, "We prayed for a new job for daddy and God heard us!!"

A lot of local friends have asked us where we're attending church now. I've wondered if they think we're laying around on Sunday mornings eating pancakes drenched in syrup just because we can (TEMPTING, YOU GUYS. Tempting) We're going to a great church about 20 minutes away. The pastor has mentored Kent a bit (and had a role in Kent's ordination service) The actual service is a much slower pace than what we're used to and I l o v e the change. However, Liza has started to cry at both nursery and YMCA child care drop off. Total bummer!

Anddddd that's all, folks!


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