Our Soccer Star

The best part about Caris' first soccer game was that Aunt Anna was there to see it! Kent did a great job double folding her socks, tying up her shirt (and she's wearing two pairs of shorts to help bulk up the bottom)
 The game was 5% cute and 95% painful to watch. Most of our team walked around the entire time. Caris started running in the last two minutes and even managed to score a goal! Also, for the next game we're bringing a beach umbrella, sunglasses, sunscreen, and I don't know...abnormally large ice cubes.
I had to take a Is this my real life? Do I have a really have kid playing her in her first organized sporting event? Cue all the feelings picture
 We celebrated with dessert afterwards. GO CAYGIS! (She yells as she shops for a Soccer Mom car magnet online)


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