A New Adventure

Deep breaths, you guys, I led my first small group bible study this morning!

Last semester the main leader asked if I'd be interested in joining the leadership team because they were losing a leader in the spring. I tightly clutched my workbook that contained my incomplete homework for that week and told her I'd think about it.

For many years, my dad and Kent have said ministry in some form would be a good fit for me (thanks, guyssssss) Credit to the Holy Spirit and my killer gospel based upbringing.  A big thanks goes out to Chuck and Shelly, if I can toot their horn for a second. BUT stop for a second, lest we forgot that my entire goal in life up until now has been to GO UNNOTICED. Do not call on me in class. Do not make me pay for things at the store with cash. Do not remember my birthday, much less sing to me in a restaurant. I don't care if you don't know my name. Hello, here's an awkward wave from the corner of the room. I score like, 1000% on the introvert scale in public. At home it's a different story... winkyface

5 of the worst moments for an introvert
-Being called on in class
-Having to do a presentation up front
-Joining the church
-Having someone notice you in a store when you're caught off guard
-Talking with someone that doesn't understand personal space

What would you add? 
Clearly, a future librarian bible study leader

A couple of years ago, during bible study, I decided I would start contributing to the conversation  even though my face turned seven shades of pink and my chin sometimes quivered for no apparent reason. I just did it and it's gotten somewhat easier to talk in groups.

And here we are today! We're working through From Garden to Glory  as is everyone and their mother, so I hear. I was capital N nervous this morning and it's good for me! I've been in a safe Mommy Bubble for almost four years. I've hardly had to step out of my element at all(except to join the church...) It was time.

God is with me. God is for me. Also, I have a RAD group of 15 ladies- I am the youngest by about 10 years and we have some ladies in their 70's. They all contributed to the conversation and were very encouraging afterwards.

One week down, nine to go!


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