2 Highs & 2 Lows

From Today 12/7/16

Kent and I survived our second exercise class this week. You know the stance "slightly bent over, hands on the knees, face towards the ground, because this is simply kicking my butt"? Yah, I did that a handful of times. There's a high possibility that we're going to need medical assistance to get out of bed tomorrow morning.

We snagged a picture of both girls looking at the camera. If you want a Christmas card, send me a stamp. har har har 

deep breath 

Since we're honest here and judgement-free, we had our water turned off today.  Laugh along side me, please. At first I thought, "Something's wrong with our fridge!" and then "Lemme google water problems+our zip code" until it finally hit me. After I realized my failing transgression boo boo oopsie daisy mistake, I taught my daughter how to give thanks in all circumstances stress eat. We put away a bag of potato chips, two oreos and three fun size kit kats.   The girl can eat some chips! winkyface I had changed my tune by the time I saw Kent. I reasoned with him, "I can't be a perfect wife, perfect mother AND pay my water bill on time. SOMETHING'S GOTTA GIVE" He was more upset that I ate "his" chips than about our unpaid bill. Kent, with his awesome flexible random Wednesday schedule, ran by the office and paid our debt. It was back on by 6PM today. The annoying funny thing is that the (already late) bill and check is filled out, ready to go and hiding somewhere. We'll find it in three months.

While we were waterless, a neighbor I'd never met, knocked on the door and asked me if I had her package that was delivered to my house an hour ago (we have similar addresses) I told her sorry, I never saw her package, but I did see the FedEx guy talking to the neighbor across the street while I was in the backyard raking leaves. Later, while I was at the library, the FedEx guy came back and asked Kent if we took the package and that our neighbor was considering calling the police. HELLOO. I had myself innocent, in an orange jumpsuit having a Netflix documentary made about me. We haven't heard anything since. If we were characters in a game of Clue, my guess is the person that hung the "Your water has been disconnected" sign on my doorknob. Sorry, I couldn't steal your package, I was too busy dying of thirst and smelling like someone who survived their second exercise class of the week.

Have any of you ever had your water turned off? Or something similar? Even forgot to feed your pet one morning? Please leave a comment or send me an email. I'm looking for some solidarity! And more potato chips


  1. Our 9 year old is in charge of feeding our two dogs everyday-twice a day. And he usually waits till there are only crumbs at the bottom of the food container to let us know we are out of food. So needless to say, sometimes our dogs go hungry for a day because I watch 2 littles ones at my house and I just don't want to get dressed, put one in the infant carrier, the other in his car seat...drive ALL THE WAY to Walmart (5 min away). Take them out of the car & put the HUGE dog food bag in the cart with two kids and then do it all again to get home. So needless to say, sometimes our dogs get hungry and they get dog bones for dinner!!!

  2. Agree, stay home with littles unless you HAVE to go out (especially to Walmart!) How long until my oldest can pay the utility bill...? ;)


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