Six years in the making

Do I look different to you?


(Kinda like sailing)

This post is 6 years in the making, confirmed by the receipt that I found in the bottom of the sewing machine box. It was marked March 2010 from Target. I saved over forty dollars and it's forty dollars that has haunted me for some time. I wondered about selling the machine or giving it to my friend, the one who threaded it for me. She's borrowed it twice and even gave me a quick tutorial. In the end I hung on to the huge box, determined that it WOULDN'T BEAT ME. 

Last night I went all CARPE DIEM on it at 9:30 PM 

I went with an "easy" princess pillow case for Caris. High five to the ladies out there with video tutorials and free patterns, but I also pair that high five with an ugly side glance because they sure did trick me with their easy peasy talk, "Lookey see here, you just snip snip snip and sew sew sew and there you have a perfect pillow case" 

4 Things I learned: 

1. I need better scissors 
2. Finishing a sewing project, no matter how uneven and wacky it looks, is gratifying. 
3. Youtube is the best
4. The next project will be for Liza since Caris never spoke a word about the princess pillow case that I slid under her head last night while she was sleeping like a crazy Mama Elf. What?!

I hope the cute pillow case makes up for 
the dead bug on the left side of her bed


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