
I've been posting my "Currently" series on time for a few months and I credit that to the fact that I hit the 15th of any month and think, "WHAT IN THE WORLD. How is it already THE MIDDLE OF THE MONTH??" and I run off to simultaniously hug my kids for hours and work on my living will (jokes) 

I try not to reread Currently Posts of days gone by so if one category repeats itself month after month, feel free to leave a grumpy comment. 

Making: A family summer bucket list 
Cooking: Eggs and whole wheat toast for dinner
Drinking: Soon to be drinking milk (see Eating below)
Reading: Recipes from my thrifted cookbook 
Wanting: To hang some more stuff on our walls. Kentyyy...
Looking: For things to snag around the house for my summer mantle 
Eating: 4 warm homemade cookies are calling my name. F O U R
Wishing: My daughter would fall asleep
Enjoying: Teaching preK crafts for Vacation Bible School 
Thinking:  About teaching baby#1 this fall 
Loving: Our new family photo courtesy of my SIL, Sara
Embracing: The fact that since our last family photo I've gained 2 kids and much more (winky face)
Hoping: My ma comes down in August. Maaaa.....
Needing: To hook up my new (like, 8 months ago, still in the box) printer. Kentyyy...
Smelling: Wishing I could smell sunscreen. Memories, man. Memories. 
Listening:  To the air conditioning, my dog snoring and bugs (crickets?) outside
Feeling: Sleepy. VBS has me slap worn out. 
Wearing: A VBS t-shirt circa 2014 and pink polka dot running shorts (emphasis on the shorts part, not the running part)
Watching: A 30 minute Baby Einstein video today (brain washing material, I tell ya!) 

What are YOU currently up to? 


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