The Alligator Float

Allow me to recall a devastating childhood memory? 

When brother Wes and I were young, say...7 and 9? We each had an awesome, huge, fun water float. He had a lobster and I, an alligator. One summer, during our annual beach trip to the Outer Banks, the lobster got a hole in it and for reasons STILL UNKNOWN TO ME, neither the lobster nor the alligator made the cut to join us in our wood paneled station wagon for the ride back home to Philly that fateful week. I was crushed and I still need counseling

So on Saturday, when I stopped at the Dollar General to buy a hat, I bought an alligator for myself my girls 
 These pictures were taken from a phone inside a ziplock bag. Memories got nothin' on protecting the iPhone.
They're the perfect age for a few hours at the beach and at one point we found ourselves watching them play together so we read whispered to each other "Look. They a r e playing to-ge-therrrr!"
My family. Swoon


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