Halloween Weekend

Halloween--pumpking carving in particular--will always hold a special place in Our Story. Kent asked my dad to court me (yeaUhhh!) in the middle of October and shortly thereafter I led him astray (the first of many times) by carving a pumpkin with him. Little did I know that he didn't believe in carving pumpkins and if it wasn't for my striking good looks (winky face), he would've bolted for the door that night. 

Here we are circa 2004. I'm sure he's sweating and trying to come to peace with the idea that he no longer had a secure place in heaven.

JOKES. Sort of.  But we'll save the story of Kent's gospel transformation for another post.
And here we are 11 years later, teaching our pumpkin carving ways to our (IMPOSSIBLY OLD LOOKING) offspring. 

I've been replaced. 

"You guysssss..."

Kent's always been a good sport when it comes to dressing up. Reason #481 why I love him. This was before youth group on Sunday. 


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