What September Brings

Caris is really into birthdays- the singing, the candles, the "happy durtday cakeeeee" so she'll be excited to learn that September brings her half birthday and Kent's whole birthday.

We haven't read anything about potty training (kind of like not reading anything before we got married or had a baby. Slackers!) We're kind of winging it. She uses the potty occasionally, wears big girl panties off and on so September brings 100% potty training success (fingers crossed!) It feels like one second Kent's holding his first daughter--the four pound ten ounce tiny one--and the next second he's saying, "Okay, remember, we don't touch our bottom. It's yucky" to her.

September brings football season and hopefully high temperatures that only reach the 80's

Along with weekly bible study for me, September brings a handful of bible, letters and numbers lessons for Caris as I  try my hand at "teaching" again.

And from the looks of it, September might brings  a crawling baby. She's almost there!
September 2014


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