4 Excuses

Here are four, mostly legitimate, reasons why I've been MIA. 

1. Our vintage desktop computer won't recognize, accept, pick up (help me out all you tech gurus) my camera when I plug it in. And today it won't connect to the internet. Boo hiss. But it's served us well so we'll pat it on the back and not let on that we're currently looking to replace it. 

(I'm blogging from my phone)

2. We had SUPER special guests come to stay with us last week, but I don't want to share too much about it without (tons and tons) of pictures.

3. We have one free month of HGTV. It's such a tease and on May 31st I'll be going through withdrawal but until then, bring on hours of house hunting and renovations! 

4. My garage currently looks like this:


  1. Maybe HGTV will assist you with a garage overhaul. :)


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