
On having my car broken into: There was the feeling of shock (no way!) and our stomachs dropping. My mind raced, "What did I have in there??" Followed by a feeling of creeped-outed-ness (we were just 200 yards away) And annoyance. And anger.

Things to be thankful for? Kent was with me. Only two "diaper bags"/kid book bags were stolen (Although they were CUTE. And NEW) We had our phones and wallets (We have been known to stuff our wallets in the middle console. Never again!) either with us or at home. I had slept 8 hours the night before for the first time in ten+ weeks. Had I been more sleep deprived I would have either laid down in the parking lot and sobbed or just started walking and maybe I would have come home like, two days later. I would've looked at Kent and said, "I can't even" before I took off walking.  If they had broken into the car 2 days earlier, they could have stolen about 6 sippy cups. I had just cleaned the car so I wasn't mortified when the cop went through it. Another plus!

On sleeping 8 straight hours: I woke up feeling like I had WON THE LOTTO. I saw my house as busy instead of chaotic and messy, my kids were cute, my husband was patient and helpful and I was all, "TODAY'S A GREAT DAY. LET'S HAVE THREE MORE KIDS. I FEEL LIKE MY MOTHER. WHO WANTS TO SING?!" It hasn't happened since, but one day it will.

On giving away a whole trash bag full of pants/shorts/skirts: It's not so much the idea of saying goodbye to my previous pants size, it's more about the cost of the clothes. It feels like I'm giving away a shopping spree that I've slowly collected over the years. But I'm giving them to two sisters at church who are super shy so I feel like we're kindred spirits. Quiet girls unite! in the corner over there And to my friends who have yet to birth children, don't worry, a lot of women get back into their high school pant size. And even if you don't, it's worth it. Insert picture of my girls to help me feel better:
Liza's "Wait, you're letting her hold me on a tile floor?" look


  1. They are so cute. Just wait. They are going to be the best of friends!


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