Hi There

Hi Dear Faithful Blog Readers and Random Strangers Who Have Stumbled Upon My Blog By Accident,

I have a lot to say and also nothing to say. I have slept in 4 hour stretches or less for the past seven weeks (I AM NOT COMPLAINING. MOTHERHOOD IS A BLESSING. winkyface) And when I think about potential blog posts, they all come out in lists and who really wants to read post after posts of lists? That and I usually pick a nap or a shower over blogging.

So, with all that said. Here's a list.

10 Reasons Why Today is a Good Day

1. I spent an hour on Face Time with my bestie. We chatted, showed off our kids and chatted some more.

2. Kent came home from his overnight camping trip with the middle school boys.

3. A new hair cut (yesterday) that is still styled today

4. I spent an hour, alone, in Khol's browsing and debating which earrings to buy (with a gift card!)

5. I finally went grocery shopping and only forgot 4 items on my list.

6. Little Liza is starting to make those adorable baby gurgle noises.

7. We have left over dinner from my 75 year old German friend (more on her later). No dinner prep!

8. It's the first day of spring! This doesn't mean much to us in Florida but YAY!

9. I made Caris a little Spring Basket...in a new beach bucket because..Florida.

10. My newly engaged sister in law got our gift (a personalized tumbler cup) and likes it!


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