Dress Up

You'd think that after almost four weeks with a new baby things would get easier and you'd get into a routine, but I'm finding that it's almost the opposite. The first week+ I had help from parents. Now I'm helpless (in more ways than one) and I'm gradually adding things into our day like going to church (with just one kid for now!) and Toddler Time at the library. Most of the day I shuffle around changing diapers, coming up with toddler type lunches and making sure the wheels don't fall off of our Crazy Train completely. 

And now, some dress up pictures.

One morning last week our house was in the 50's (We don't have heat. It's a long story)
We're still really into Frozen around here. A girl at Toddler Time was wearing a Frozen shirt and Caris would yell out "GO!" every few minutes. 
Shortly after this picture was taken, milk came out of her nose. Photoshoot fail. 
Oh hey girl.
 They get it from their Momma...


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