2014 {Our Year in Review}

We moved! Boxes, chaos, crying at church {both Caris & me} and meeting new people
We took a total of 8(!) trips back to South Carolina. The second one was to meet our nephew/cousin Cruz! 
C Baby turned ONE!
We thought we sold our house so we took a "Here, take a picture of me jumping off the front steps looking happy" picture. We still own that house.
We celebrated Bennermen's graduation from USC! 
Caris learned to walk! And talk and climb and count (one, dooo, phree!) and eat big girl food and..how can one kid change and grow so much in one year? 
So many new things! Like brushing her teeth!
She enjoyed her first airplane ride to Philly to surprise the Hiatts and meet Baby E! 
Speaking of babies, we saw Baby #2 for the first time! 
We took two large family vacations: the beach and the lake. Screaming toddler in the sand, screaming toddler in the lake.
We celebrated 10 years of dating and 5 years of wedded {usually} bliss! 
Kent became a pastor! 
We perfected the top knot and she perfected the tantrum
And a few more exclamation points !!! just because! 


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