10 Things I'm Learning

If you actively try to keep up with your home, "A place for everything and everything in its place", Your desire to shop and fill it with stuff will diminish. This is lame, but also freeing.

After a long shopping hiatus you might get hit with the shopping bug so, so hard.

Bending over is no big deal  until you are quite pregnant.

The chicks on You Tube make crocheting look easy but it is, in fact, HARD.

If I sit down after my toddler goes to bed (both for naptime and bedtime) I will never get back up again.

When fall {finally} arrives, Florida weather isn't so bad

There will always be a dishwasher to fill and empty (insert pathetic, whining face here).

The trip to church is 5-7 minutes if I'm alone. The trip is 8-11 minutes if I have my co-pilot in the back seat (and I usually do).

Maternity shorts and pants in good condition are slim to none at Thrift Stores.

Rattling off head knowledge about the bible and the gospel to your (PASTOR OF A) husband or ladies in your bible study is different than sitting still and letting buckets of grace fall onto your head while you let the good news of Jesus, a friend for sinners, seep into your soul.


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