I Know: Baby Suits

I know that because you say "Mama mama mama" all of the time you secretly like me better than your Dad

I know that when you grunt and your face turns red, you're working on a diaper surprise 

I know that when when you babble, laugh and play I want 10 more just like you

And when you try to flop out of the baby carrier, wake up at midnight and scream if I don't feed you quickly enough, I know that you might do ok as an only child

I know that Grandma will have so much fun with you for a month in December 

When your Dad turns the heat on at the end of October, a month earlier than usual, I know that you're his favorite

When I look at you closely: your toes, your eyelashes and even your cute butt, I know that God made you perfectly in my belly.

I know that every time the 11th comes you are one month closer to turning 1


  1. Stop it. STOP IT. I knew you would have beautiful children, but I couldn't have guessed how beautiful!! And your mom is coming in December??? That's wonderful news!! Give Caris some love from me! :) Steph P


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