The Find of the Century

Shout Out to all my Thrifty Moms out there- woot! To avoid becoming a hoarder, I'm starting to thrift less {insert Kent raising his hands up to heaven, doing a dance and thanking the Lord} & I've become pickier about what I buy (With the exception of baby girl clothes. At the rate I'm going, her clothes will fill up all of our closets and we'll be running around buck nekkid) The question that I ask myself when debating a purchase is...

Am I willing to drag this all the way around the Western Hemisphere? 

I asked myself that question when I layed eyes on this little beauty and I immediately said YES. I lay pretty low in life when thrifting. No bargaining or anything crazy, but when I saw this play kitchen, I picked it up, dragged it to the front of the store and bravely said, "Can you stick a SOLD sign on this?" 

I was totally stoked and although Kent tried to be excited for me, I was missing my Thrifting Mentor, Shelly. I so wished that I could sit in the parking lot, call her and say, "Guess what I FOUND!"

A lot of people these days are building play kitchens from old cabinets like here & here. Starting from scratch would be stretching my handy-man ability so this play kitchen is perfect. It needs a little TLC- some paint and girly touches before it's ready for little Miss Suits to whip up something tasty for us.

{Just typing that out--the thought of Chicken Little being big enough to play "house" made my eyes fill up with tears. Emotional, much? I'll be the Mom hiding in the bathroom stall with 3 boxes of tissues at graduation.}  
BONUS: it was full of food and cookware in great shape. See the red crayon marks on the left side?
Here's our before photo. Check back in about a year to see how it turned out! 


  1. LOVE IT!! wish we could thrift together. Little Miss will definitely enjoy!


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