Room 523

Dear Room 523,

4 years ago I painted your cabinets and filled you with books, baskets and students. Students that have thrown up on your floors and learned within your four walls. You heard about South Carolina history, reading strategies, plants and animals. You watched as I all but stood on my head to teach 3-digit subtraction. You heard chapter books like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Charlotte's Web. You watched as I hid behind the back cabinet door and ate Sugar Daddies during my break. I piled you high with papers. You heard "Mrs. Suits" as many times as I did. Over and over again. I grew from a young, timid, first year teacher to a loud, confident, experienced one. You were my safe place to try new ideas, act silly, to teach and befriend students.  You were my home away from home. Students will continue to learn in you without me as their teacher and I'm going to miss that. 

With fond memories, 

Mrs. Suits 


  1. Love this tribute. I seriously think teachers are my favorite profession. I know you will be missed!


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