Susie Homemaker: Bread

Goal: Homemade Braided White Bread
Level of mess {to clean up}: Medium (so many bowls)
Eatable: Yes
Bottom Line: EPIC FAIL 

I set out to make homemade bread this week. I'm a super-novice when it comes to bread making. My dough turned out beautiful and while I kneaded it, I felt like a baking pro. My hopes were up for an hour while I waited for it to rise...until it didn't. FAIL. It just sat like a big, fat, lazy lump. 
Although we didn't end up with soft, fluffy, warm bread to slather butter on, in the end there were two highlights...

1. African Mama saved the dough when she fried it to make delish BLTs
2. I met a sweet old lady on the baking aisle at Walmart. She was buying bread flour and seemed just as clueless as I was. 

Tips from all the accomplished Susie Homemakers out there? 


  1. old yeast? try this recipe: (I use my kitchenaid but you can do it by hand), it makes three loaves so you can stick two in the freezer!


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